Integrated Total Solution Reinforced Concrete Structural Software
Perpetual License
Acquire it once and don't worry about repeat subscription fees.
Flexible License
Choose network dongle, standalone dongle, or cloud license(s). Whether you’re an individual, company, or a partnership, we have the right option for you.
International Design Codes & Standards
- BS8110:87
- BS8110:97
- CP65
- IS456
- ACI-318
- AS3600
- NZS3101
- NZS3101:06
- EC1
- EC2
- EC3
- EC8
- EC2(NA to SS)
- EC2(NA to MS)
Input & Model
- 2D Key plan, Elevation Input and 3D Model view
- Input Grid(G), Slab(S), Beam(B), Column(C), Wall(W), Brick-wall(K) object and
set custom properties such as material, size, element drop
Note: Grid, Slab, Beam, Column, Wall, Brick-wall object will be abbreviated
as G, S, B, C, W and K respectively
- Non-orthogonal floor key plan grids with regions
- Floor key plan with fully integrated project management and status control of analysis and design stages
- Mapping of elements to identification of slab, beam, column and wall in input
- Toggle input object Slab(S), Beam(B), Column(C), Wall(W), Brick-wall(K), Loadings(L)
and All input objects using short-cut key of S, B, C, W, K, L and A respectively
- Grid bounded objects, input objects of S, B, C and W are bound to grids
- Break or merge structural objects of B, S and W at intersecting grids
- Auto generation of input objects slab(bound by B and W), beam(between C) and
column(at G or B intersection) under respective input mode
- Command-driven icon to change or delete of same type of input data(G, S, B, C, W and K)
selected by individual click or window drag-select
- Highlighting of input data(G, S, B, C, W) connected to selected grids and group delete
them all with ‘Delete’ key
- Input point(P), uniform distributed line(U), general-variable line(V), area(E), patch(H)
and brick-wall(R) loads to respective objects of slab(P,U,E,R,H), beam(P,U,V,R),
column(P) and wall(P,V)
- Input circular(I), rectangular(T) and polygonal(O) openings to respective objects of
slab(I, T, O), beam(I, T), column(I, T, O), wall(T)
- Import key plan from another Esteem project
- Copy key plan to multiple other floors
- Overlay upper or lower floor key plan object slab, wall column, wall on current key plan input
- 2D plan and side elevations view
- 3D view Orthographic, Perspective view
- 3D Model wireframe or solid rendering
- 3D Model Walk-through mode and Fly-Through animation
New Features
- Import dwg/dxf 2d drawings and use them as a tracing background and
to auto assign dwg entities as input objects
- Auto change to element input mode by double-clicking the element
- Colour coded icon of analysis and design status
Auto Mesh Generation & 3D Analysis
- Total integration of floor key plans for 3-D analysis and input of beam, column and wall for automatic 3-D modelling, including wall opening, offsets of beam, column and wall
- Automatic data feed-back from floor plan analysis for 3-D analysis and vice versa for floor plan design
- of beam and column with full integration of:
- All floor plans gravity load effects for 3-D analysis based on actual beam support in total input
- Wind and notional load effects for total project design and detailing of beam, column, wall, pile and pad footing
- Post-analysis load combinations, graphical deflection and analysis textual output
- Finite Element Analysis
- Automatic adaptive mesh generation for well-graded triangular and quadrilateral shell elements
- Beam pattern loading analysis in 2D
- Wind and Notional Load Analysis in 3D
- Ritz or Eigenvalue Seismic Dynamic Analysis in 3D
Seismic Modal Response Spectrum (EC8, EC8, EC8 Malaysia & Singapore or User Defined)
- P-Delta analysis of selected load combinations
- Steel member section
- Stage Construction Analysis
- Moment, shear, torsion, displacement, loading, forces diagram for Beam and Column
- Moment, shear, top and bottom steel area contour in X and Y direction for Floor
Slab(2D) and Transfer Slab(3D) & Raft(3D)
- Vertical Displacement contour for Floor Slab(2D) and Transfer Slab(3D) & Raft(3D)
- Diaphragm stress and Soil pressure contour for Floor slab and Raft respectively in 3D
- Moment, shear, diaphragm and principal stress contour for Wall in 3D
New Features
- Faster Beam Free Nodes Checking for Meshing
- Simplified MRSA biaxial load combination feature which reduce seismic design to only 8 biaxial envelope combinations.
- Compliance with the BS8110:1985 / 1997 and EC2 & EC8 code of practice
- Full Design for Slab, Beam, Column and Wall
- Reinforced Concrete Design
- Conventional, Stage Construction, P-Delta, Seismic Design
- Foundation Design for Pile and Pad
- Design Calculation Report
- Export out Design Calculation Report to Rich Text Format file to be viewed in MS Word
New Features
- Steel member design check from Class 1 to Class 4 complying to EC3
- Slab Displacement contour in 2D based on non-reduced slab stiffness
- Slab design based on band-width contour cut
- Pile offset from edge of core wall to increase capacity of foundation
- Column and wall design based on FE end restraint
- Column and Wall Design with Reduced Subframe Moment
- Wall framing beam design is made obsolete and unnecessary for Wall
- Multi-section beam deflection checking using weighed effective depth
- Beam end/inner span deflection check is based on its fixity to Wall end
- Auto fix Beam End Release on Wall
- Flat Slab Design
- Auto-Drafting Design Detailing to meet Design Requirements
- Auto arrange beam and slab detailing cuts to fit imported Title Block drawing
- Detailing Schedule Table for Column, Wall and Pile & Pad Foundation
- Comprehensive and total output
- Concise textual calculation and detailing output
- Captivating user-friendly graphical interface
- Compatibility to CAD drawing DWG and DXF files
- Column & Wall mark on Floor plan as in detailing schedule table
- Choice to freely configure rebar detailing and drafting
- Customised to local consultants context and culture
- Completed details of slab, beam, column, wall and footing for drafting, including(but not limited to) the column/wall schedule, footing key plan and schedule for both pad and pile foundation
- Configure freely the design and detailing parameters for automatic selection and detailing of rebar
- Control fully the vertical drop in slab and beam
- Column and Wall Design with Reduced Subframe Moment
- Export out 2D detailing to DXF or DWG file
New Features
- Wall link detailing in schedule table and is needed if vertical rebar steel % >= 2%
- Column & Wall mark on Floor plan as in detailing schedule table
- Show only necessary grids for 'cleaner' grids and dimensions in detailing plan
- Flat Slab Detailing
- Revit integration, import and export between Esteem models and Revit 2021-2023 models
- IFC2x3 geometric export of Esteem model including pile and pad foundation
- Export Esteem 3D models to 3D DXF
- Export Esteem model to Esteem Viewer which is a free software from Esteem to only view floor key plans and 3D model
Quantity Take-off
- Quantity take-off for Concrete & Foam-work, Steel Rebar, Mesh and Costing results for
Slab, Beam, Column, Wall and Footing
- Export quantity take-off results to MS Word and Excel
File Utility
- Backward compatibility:- Newer software versions is able to open Esteem projects created in previous
- versions
New Features
- Forward compatibility:- Older software versions from Esteem 11 onwards is able to open Esteem projects created in newer versions
Real Job Modeling 16 Storey Building with Wall Detailing Scheduling
Import dwg/dwf 2d drawing to use it as tracing background and to auto assign dwg entites as input objects
Intuitive GUI Input Grids, Regions, Beams, Columns, Walls, Brick-walls, Openings and Loadings object
and set custom properties of each input object
Wall Pile Offset Detailing
Flat Slab Detailing
Seismic Simulation of Structure
Beam Moment diagram & Wall Contour Moment Diagram
Slab Contour Moment
Steel member deflection check calculation report
Steel section check report exported out to MS Word
3D view of model in Esteem Software
Autodesk Revit import of IFX2x3 model exported from Esteem
Autocad import of 3D DXF model exported from Esteem
Quantity Takeoff of Slab Foamwork
Quantity Takeoff Export to MS Excel and Word
Opening Esteem Plus File in the latest Esteem version (Backward Compatibility)
New Features / Improvement of Esteem 11
1. Advance Import combining tracing and import in one-screen.
2. Import or trace AutoCAD 2020-2024 dwg into Esteem.
3. Esteem RC physical model BIM interoperability with Autodesk Revit 2021-2024
4. IFC2x3 Export
5. Merging Plans
Merge the regions, grids, beams, columns, rc walls, brickwalls, any loadings from another plan
6. Multiple Sub-slabs merging.
7. Auto fix Beam End Release on RC Wall.
8. Steel member design check from Class 1 to Class 4 complying to EC3.